Safe Horizon provide short-term, emergency and safe shelter for people fleeing domestic violence and for young people under the age of 21 who have no place to stay. Safe Horizon offers eight confidential domestic violence shelters located throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Our domestic violence shelters offer a full range of services comprehensive programming to support safety and healing.

Eligibility: Domestic violence victims, and young people under the age of 21 who have no place to stay regardless of immigration status.

Interpreter assistance will be made available for individuals who do not speak English.

Provides counseling and assistance in resolving housing problems for individuals and families faced with landlord/tenant crises, mortgage default, homelessness, and those who need pre-rental and pre-purchase counseling to find suitable affordable housing. Included in the landlord/tenant crises are rights and responsibilities, rent payment, increases, services and eviction. Investigates bona fide allegations of housing discrimination on behalf of victims of discrimination whose rights under the U.S. Fair Housing Act have been violated and to bring appropriate judicial or administrative action. Provides advice and information regarding U.S. Housing and Urban Development Section 8 programs and federally assisted housing complexes. Federal and State laws prohibit discrimination in housing based on race, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status or disability. If you suspect unlawful discrimination in your efforts to rent, purchase, finance, or reside in housing in the Long Island area, or if you need housing counseling or additional information about fair housing laws, please contact this agency.

Eligibility: Individual and families with housing issue.


This organization provides low- to moderate income individuals and immigrants of all ages, with a focus on the Hispanic community, with housing and foreclosure counseling, job training for day workers, and recreational and educational activities.

Eligibility: Immigrants of all ages.


Intake center for intake and assessment of shelter needs.

Eligibility: Single women, 18 and over.


Young people can find sanctuary from the street in Covenant House New York’s Crisis Shelter. Urgent needs are met immediately and without question – a meal, a shower, clean clothes, and medical attention. Young people who come to our shelter do not need a referral, and any young person who is facing or at risk of facing homelessness will be welcome. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Eligibility: Homeless youth aged 16-24.

Interpreter assistance will be made available for individuals who do not speak English.

Mother and Child Programs shelter young mothers and their infant children, without question. Also provides comprehensive medical care, free child care services, as well as a full range of educational, vocational and job placement services, parenting support, counseling, and education workshops help new moms learn how to care for themselves and their child. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Eligibility: Homeless youth aged 16-24.

Interpreter assistance will be made available for individuals who do not speak English.

To empower individuals, families, and communities, particularly communities of color and other disenfranchised populations, to end cycles of violence, homelessness, poverty, and trauma by increasing safety and resiliency.

Eligibility: Serves all domestic violence survivors and homeless families.

English/Spanish and other languages through interpretation services.EnglishSpanish

Offers employment/vocational/career assistance, financial counseling/literacy, housing and rent assistance, housing information, resettlement services, legal services, and utility assistance

Eligibility: Tenant-related services are available to residents of Sunset Park, Brooklyn only. There is no catchment area for other services.


PATH is an intake center for families with minor children and pregnant women who are experiencing immediate housing crises. Families with children must apply for shelter in order to ensure that they do not have an alternative housing option available to them. PATH services include family mediation, anti-eviction legal services, out-of-City relocation assistance, Family Eviction Prevention Supplement (FEPS), or a one-shot deal through HRA. Applications processes during business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). PATH is open 24 hours per day, including weekends and holidays.

Eligibility: Families with Children Under 21 and Pregnant Women.

Interpreter assistance will be made available for individuals who do not speak English.English

Intake center for intake and assessment of shelter needs. Open 24 hours per day, including weekends and holidays. Intake is open 24 hours.

Eligibility: Single women, 18 and over.


Services: The Gathering Place is a drop-in center offering 3 meals a day, showers, laundry, case management services, mail/phone services, therapeutic recreational activities, medical and mental health services, and referrals. The Respite Center provides temporary overnight beds to men and women receiving case management from The Gathering Place. Transportation between The Respite Center and The Gathering Place is provided. Hours: 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m 7 days a week; 24 hours in winter months Type of Housing Resource: Temporary Shelter, Case Management Note: The Gathering Place is not an overnight shelter.

Eligibility: Single men & women, 18 years +


Services: 24 hour Drop-In Center provides breakfast, lunch, dinner, 2 laundry facilities, and 2 showers as well as assistance applying for permanent housing, including housing vouchers. Capacity: 70-80 people. Type of Resource: Housing Application Assistance. Notes: Not an overnight shelter; ID is required to access housing application assistance.

Eligibility: Single Adults 25+


Services: NYC’s Housing and Preservation Department partners with over twenty community-based services providers to help people prepare and apply for Housing Connect affordable housing lotteries (see the resource listing for Housing Connect for more info on the lotteries). Type of Resource: Housing Application Assistance. How to Access Resource: use the HPD website to find an ambassador near you, then reach out directly to the organization.

EnglishSpanishHaitian-CreoleRussianFrenchAmerican Sign Language (ASL)CantoneseMandarinBanglaNepaliUrduPunjabiHindiArabicGreekSherpaPolishTibetanPortuguese

The Hudson Valley Justice Center provides free legal counsel for low-income groups & non-citizens in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

El Centro Hispano's mission is to assist, support, and strengthen Hispanic families; to help them become self-sufficient; and to ease their transition into their new culture while maintaining and enriching their own.


Services: NYC’s portal for applying for affordable rental and homeownership units in NYC. To qualify your household must meet the household income and size requirements. Type of Resource: Housing Listings. How to Access Resource: complete a profile on the housing connect website, then search for and apply for lotteries. If selected for a lottery, you will need to provide documentation to prove household income eligibility. Notes: The lottery is extremely competitive. Some units have over a thousand applications. Wait times can be up to a year. The lottery is open to everyone who meets the income requirements, regardless of legal status. You can contact a Housing Ambassador to help with your application. For more information, see the resource listing for Housing Ambassadors.

Eligibility: Individuals and families who meet the household income eligibility requirements

The Hudson Valley Justice Center provides free legal counsel for low-income groups & non-citizens in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

The Hudson Valley Justice Center provides free legal counsel for low-income groups & non-citizens in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH) is a grassroots advocacy organization rooted in faith and community spaces that provides affordable housing services and integrated social resources. CUFFH organizes our working-class BIPOC communities around issues of housing, immigration, social, and economic justice to generate power and harness true liberation Services offered: Weekly affordable housing workshops and one-on-one housing application assistance by appointment only


Services: initial resettlement, case management, social adjustment, ENL classes and tutoring, employment counseling, job placement, career and other vocational training services to refugees, asylees, humanitarian parolees, and Special Immigrant Visa holders in New York City, Westchester County and Long Island. Type of Resource: permanent housing. How to Access Resource: email or fill out an online screening form on their website. Notes: Currently a 1.5 month waiting period; must have passport and other documentation

Eligibility: NYC residents with refugee, asylee, or humanitarian parolee status, or Special Immigrant Visa holders


Helping survivors of labor trafficking develop escape plans, secure emergency housing and financial assistance, access social and legal services, find employment, facilitate family reunifications, apply for T Non-Immigrant Status Visa, access basic health services, and retrieve unpaid wages.

Eligibility: Filipino domestic workers or trafficked workers


The Hudson Valley Justice Center provides free legal counsel for low-income groups & non-citizens in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

Citywide shelter intake center for homeless adult families, including homeless couples (domestic partnership required) with no children and families with no family members under 18 years of age. AFIC is open 24 hours per day, including weekends and holidays.

Eligibility: Adult families, domestic partnership required, no children and no family members under 18 years old. No immigration status needed.

Interpreter assistance available