Terra Firma


Terra Firma is a medico-legal partnership focused on unaccompanied immigrant children and immigrant families. They offer comprehensive medical care for children and adults, pro bono legal services to those at risk for deportation, tauma-informed individual, family and group mental health interventions, and case management services, such as insurance enrollment.

Eligibility: All immigrant children and families with an emphasis on those already in immigration proceedings.


ABC offers distinctive programs that respond to the unique and changing need of a child and family.Family Support: Open Door offers programs for all family members such as computer and job training, English classes, help getting citizenship, immigration help, domestic violence support groups, and more. The Saturday Program offers a safe refuge for children and families from all across the city and provides nutritious meals for all participants. Learn more at www.a-b-c.org/family-support.

Provides family reunification and short-term shelter for children who have come to the U.S. without a guardian. Unidos por un Sueño reunites them with family, and provides support for families to help them be successful in the U.S.

Eligibility: Children who have come to the US without a guardian (migrants, asylum seekers).


Mother and Child Programs shelter young mothers and their infant children, without question. Also provides comprehensive medical care, free child care services, as well as a full range of educational, vocational and job placement services, parenting support, counseling, and education workshops help new moms learn how to care for themselves and their child. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Eligibility: Homeless youth aged 16-24.

Interpreter assistance will be made available for individuals who do not speak English.

If you are facing a crisis impacting your family such as loss of housing, parental health issues, domestic violence, or other situation, the Maria Crisis Lucadamo Nursery can provide short-term child care and holistic services for you and your child while you are addressing these crises.

Offers short-term shelter (Passage of Hope Unaccompanied Migrant Child program), provides clinical, therapeutic, educational and case management services while working to link migrant children with family members or other sponsors in the United States.

Eligibility: Unaccompanied migrant children (up to age 17 years old).


Offers comprehensive academic and social-emotional supports that supports younger clients’ resilience, talents, and ambitions to help them achieve their full potential. Family Education programs promotes early self-sufficiency among newly arrived adults, and longer term, ongoing support for continuing education, career development, and citizenship preparation.

Eligibility: Migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees (children and families).

EnglishSpanishPortugeseArabicGermanFrenchGeorgianRussianWolofand other languages available on request if needed

Serves migrant children in New York City and Long Island (under the age of 21), Safe Passage Project attorneys advocate for children by standing with them in immigration court, speaking on their behalf to the judge, explaining how they qualify for legal protection (e.g., asylum or protection for victims of trafficking). Safe Passage in Schools serves the unmet needs of immigrant children enrolled in New York City public schools.

Eligibility: Migrant children (under 21 years old) and families.
